Thursday, November 29, 2007

After & before photos of our kitchen

Pah! I've been procrastinating on posting our newly renovated kitchen pictures! It took us only THREE months to renovate the kitchen. BIG thanks to Jon, Steve's Dad, for helping us. Without him, we wouldn't have done it! We love you, Dad! ;)

Be sure to remember what this BEFORE photo looks like then scroll down and see a HUGE difference.

Wrap-up for our protection. Also, we literally used our bathroom to clean dishes for about a month. Yuk...

Way, WAY old white cabinets - it's 1960's style. These were too small for us.

To our shock, there was an OLD mold behind the cabinets. Boy, were we glad for making a decision to renovate the kitchen!

We tornthe wall down... that was certainly a fun part.

Took out the old window and put in energy-efficient window. ;)


We were quite surprised to find 1950's checkerboard floors underneath.

Time to put up our new cabinets! We were pretty ecstatic.

Steve & his Dad were definitely proud of their work. ;)

Putting up stainless microwave. Now, it's getting there and looking better...

Sora, our cat, enjoying being a center of attention ;)

Still not complete...

Our beautiful granite countertops

Yay, we're ALMOST done

ALL DONE. We really loved the kitchen as it has a lot of space and is open to the dining room/living room. I'm elated that we got what we wanted -- spacious, big sink, modern stainless units & wood hardfloor.

Just so you know - the last picture was taken probably in April or May - I need to take pictures of our kitchen soon since we've decorated a bit more than that one. Oh! The black rug isn't there anymore.

Here's the funny part... Steve and I used's customized program trying to design our own kitchen before we actually did anything. Now, you can see how identical is it to our current kitchen. ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautifully done!!! We plan to remodel our kitchen too to make it more 'open' for us...