Wednesday, November 21, 2007

OVERDUE posting!

Geez! It's been, what, SEVEN months since I last blogged! I guess it's time to get back in blogging world!

2007 has been a busiest year for us! Let's see what I have done for the past several months...

January - Nothing usual. Went to Western States Basketball Classic/Cheerleading Competition in Riverside, CA. I was working as a cheerleading coach at that time. (You can look at one of my previous postings about it)
February - We purchased our first home. Yay! (As you can see on my previous posts)
March-April-May - we were really busy remodeling our kitchen in the house. I have to post the photos on here soon! ... Also, I started teaching ASL part-time at Western Oregon University (WOU) in late March. Additionally, I went to Chicago for Michelle's Bridal Shower party. I had a great time.
June - My 30th birthday at our house and Michelle's bachelorette party in Las Vegas! I also sponsored Brenna as she was a candidate in Miss Deaf Oregon Pageant. She won 3rd place - congratulations to her!
July - Michelle & George's wedding in Chicago. It was GORGEOUS! Jenko also visited northwest so it was great having her here.
August - Traveling on the west coast sightseeing and attending Boyer Familly Reunion in California - it was so great seeing everyone again. I actually finally felt settling down a bit...
September - Back to work --I resumed teaching ASL at WOU.
October - MAUI, HAWAII! I went to Shelby & Mike's wedding and it was just BEAUTIFUL! I felt like we were in heaven when we headed there. Steve and I spend 4 nights and 5 days in Maui. We wish we stayed longer but it was best time of our lives. Oh, I also got another part-time job as an ASL instructor for the Community (parents, children, etc) at OSD.
NOT ONLY THAT, Steve also PROPOSED to me in Maui. It has been a happiest time of my life. If you want to know more details - you can read about how it happened (you have to sign in facebook, though).
November (this month) - It just continues to get better -- I attended Courtney & Rush's wedding in Santa Cruz, CA. Again, it was gorgeous and simple. AND I got a job offer as an Administrative staff at HOVRS!!!!!!!

Oh, I also posted like over hundreds of photos on facebook. Feel free to look in there. If you don't have an account, I will probably post a few on here... anyway, I'll blog again real soon!


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