Thursday, March 01, 2007

More before and after photos!

The "before" bathroom with ugly wood wallpaper. Ew! (The stuff isn't ours - it was a previous owner's. I took the picture the day we visited)

Steve & his Dad took down everything but the wall had wood stain

Finally complete! We painted it with prime white color for now. We will decide on the color later.

Close-up of the bathroom

I "died" when I saw the wallpaper! (The frame wasn't ours, it was previous owner's - I thought it was a cute picture but definitely not my type)

Wall paper down! Again, the wood stain was "stuck" so we had to cover it.

There! Looks much better, isn't it? What color should we pick to paint... hmm?

God forbid the wallpaper in the kitchen... of course, it was a MUST to take it down! (Oh, just so you know that the stuff weren't ours - it was the previous owner's)

One of our awesome friends, Ben, who was willing to lend a hand for a while. Thanks, pal! ;)

I was a happy lady that day! (We plan to purchase the new appliances, probably stainless)

I will post later with the kitchen's new look - probably a few months from now. :)


Shelby Leigh said...

The place is looking great!

Lindzey said...

Great job! Way to do it! :) Proud of you and Steve! Time for a pictionary night soon!? :) *HUGS!*