Thursday, March 01, 2007

Refining the house

Right now we're just cleaning and fine tuning the house as we realized that it takes a lot of time and patience to decide on what to do with remodeling process. So, right now we are just going to refine the house by cleaning up, free up its space (by taking down the wall between two rooms), and paint the prime white (we'll decide on the color later).

Our next project will be remodeling the kitchen (I don't like its ugly white 1960s cabinets!). Then perhaps remodel the bathroom sometimes this summer as I know it's impossible to redo everything at once! Yes, we were too eager to do everything at once but we need to focus one thing at a time.

Anyway... enjoy the before and after photos. :) (You can click on the photos to become bigger)

See the "entrance" wall between the two living rooms?

I felt kinda claustrophobic too! We took the "entrance" wall down between the two living rooms... scroll below to see the difference

Our little fireplace - it's still there but we plan to take it down

It turns out that it was an OLD green/gold wallpaper behind the white painting, probably 1960s style

See the gold/green thingie?

Steve & his dad, Jon, at hard work! (Jon was so sweet as he stayed at our house for a week to help us... bless him and we're lucky to have him. We love you, Dad/Jon!)

More clear picture... I turned off the camera's light. (If you see the recent and next photo - there were a lot of dirt everywhere, probably from taking down the wall)

Naturally, it was a mess

Finally complete! Looks much better, isn't it? (We will take down the wall between the kitchen and living room later)

We're still deciding on the final paint color... maybe Beige? Tan? We'll see...

No more wall. Yay!

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