Friday, February 16, 2007


Oregon School for the Deaf Rally Squad/Cheerleaders won 3rd place at the Western Basketball Cheerleading Classic (WSCC) tournament, which was hosted by Riverside School for the Deaf, a few weeks ago. (In case you didn't know - I was a Head Rally Coach during football & basketball season at OSD)

Although, I firmly think that we were CHAMPIONS in our hearts! ;)

Here's a picture of me & the girls...

Now that the basketball season's over, I miss working with them already. :'(

Also, the OSD boys' basketball team won 1st place for the Grey Division at Western Basketball Classic Tournament (WSBC)! The OSD girls' basketball team won 2nd place. You can view all of the information, results and pictures at:

I couldn't resist posting a photo of me and Steve (he was one of the boys' basketball co-coaches) on the bus in Riverside. It's kinda blurry but I love this one of us.

My former classmates from Fremont -
it was great seeing them again after graduating together 10 years ago!

Finally, I was also happy to see my sweet friend Sheila
(former '97 CSDF graduate) with her cute dog. I haven't seen her for like 7, 8 years?!


Michelle said...

Congratulations! I am so proud of your accomplishment. You have done a great job! Good pictures :)

Unknown said...

Hi there! I love that picture of us! Although, I wanted to remind you- I was a '98 csd graduate... not along with those '97ers. ;) but other than that, I absolutely dig all of your pictures.. the renovation of your house, the maui trip. My ma and I will be going to Maui next March... I am really looking fwd to it as it will be our first time. Do you have any recommendations as to which places to visit in Maui? :) Take care, Alethea! Hugs.