Thursday, November 29, 2007

After & before photos of our kitchen

Pah! I've been procrastinating on posting our newly renovated kitchen pictures! It took us only THREE months to renovate the kitchen. BIG thanks to Jon, Steve's Dad, for helping us. Without him, we wouldn't have done it! We love you, Dad! ;)

Be sure to remember what this BEFORE photo looks like then scroll down and see a HUGE difference.

Wrap-up for our protection. Also, we literally used our bathroom to clean dishes for about a month. Yuk...

Way, WAY old white cabinets - it's 1960's style. These were too small for us.

To our shock, there was an OLD mold behind the cabinets. Boy, were we glad for making a decision to renovate the kitchen!

We tornthe wall down... that was certainly a fun part.

Took out the old window and put in energy-efficient window. ;)


We were quite surprised to find 1950's checkerboard floors underneath.

Time to put up our new cabinets! We were pretty ecstatic.

Steve & his Dad were definitely proud of their work. ;)

Putting up stainless microwave. Now, it's getting there and looking better...

Sora, our cat, enjoying being a center of attention ;)

Still not complete...

Our beautiful granite countertops

Yay, we're ALMOST done

ALL DONE. We really loved the kitchen as it has a lot of space and is open to the dining room/living room. I'm elated that we got what we wanted -- spacious, big sink, modern stainless units & wood hardfloor.

Just so you know - the last picture was taken probably in April or May - I need to take pictures of our kitchen soon since we've decorated a bit more than that one. Oh! The black rug isn't there anymore.

Here's the funny part... Steve and I used's customized program trying to design our own kitchen before we actually did anything. Now, you can see how identical is it to our current kitchen. ;)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Photos of my engagement ring / Maui, Hawaii

Thought I'd post engagement/ring photos... although, I'm sure you've seen some of these photos.

Taken by Niki at CB & Rush's wedding early this month

Taken by the window in our front yard

Close-up of my new/upgraded ring, a Platinum Princess cut diamond.. the only difference is that it has the diamonds on each side. See below for more details.

Taken the day we went snorkeling/snuba... this one is my favorite!

These two pictures above are the original ring that Steve gave me when we were in Maui-- but he said I could upgrade it if I wanted to. Of course, at first I said no because I didn't want to change the ring since it was all him who picked it out.. but when we went to the jewelry store to resize the ring and I was so tempted. He just smiled and said go ahead and take a different one! It took me nearly 2 hours to finally decide after looking at different rings and just decided to stick with the original look expect that there were more additional diamonds on the side. Right now my current ring has the original ring's distinct look to it... I'm very happy with the result! :)

Funny, Michie say to me "Remember the rainbow," when she and George were dropping me off at the restaurant. Of course, I had NO idea what she meant... now I am grateful she said that to me. Thanks, girl! Mwahs!

At Pacific'o, a fairly expensive restaurant, in Lahaina. We decided to make a dinner reservation there after reading that it's one of the best restaurants in West Maui and was the only beachfront one.

Steve's meal was Pink-peppered steak - he said it's really delicious! I had a bite so I gotta agree with him.

For dinner, I had fresh hapi-hapi wrapped in seaweed with tempuras... it wasn't bad.

Beautiful cruise off the sea

Three-men rowing in the canoe

Banana lumpia as well as banana ice cream for dessert. Yummy!

Tiki in the gorgeous sky

Beautiful sunset

I was definitely overhappy!

Steven must be so relieved that I said yes...? :)

The site where Steven proposed!

Ok, so what happened...?

After being full with food in our stomachs so Steve picked up the bill, he then said he wanted to go for a stroll on the beach so I was like - oh okay, why not? But before we actually got to the beach... I saw these nice homemade Hawaiian stuff on the pathway and before I could look at these, Steve just tapped me on my shoulders and when I turned around - he just kneeled down with the red ring box and inside was a beautiful Platinum princess cut diamond ring and signed to me, "Will you marry me?" I was very surprised and I even said "Are you teasing me?!" He said no, no and asked me to marry him for second time. God, what was I thinking?! Of course, I said yes yes... and we continued to stroll across the beach as we wanted some privacy and just stood there kissing and hugging under the moonlight bit far away from the restaurant.

It was such a romantic night and I was really on a cloud nine the whole night. ;)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

OVERDUE posting!

Geez! It's been, what, SEVEN months since I last blogged! I guess it's time to get back in blogging world!

2007 has been a busiest year for us! Let's see what I have done for the past several months...

January - Nothing usual. Went to Western States Basketball Classic/Cheerleading Competition in Riverside, CA. I was working as a cheerleading coach at that time. (You can look at one of my previous postings about it)
February - We purchased our first home. Yay! (As you can see on my previous posts)
March-April-May - we were really busy remodeling our kitchen in the house. I have to post the photos on here soon! ... Also, I started teaching ASL part-time at Western Oregon University (WOU) in late March. Additionally, I went to Chicago for Michelle's Bridal Shower party. I had a great time.
June - My 30th birthday at our house and Michelle's bachelorette party in Las Vegas! I also sponsored Brenna as she was a candidate in Miss Deaf Oregon Pageant. She won 3rd place - congratulations to her!
July - Michelle & George's wedding in Chicago. It was GORGEOUS! Jenko also visited northwest so it was great having her here.
August - Traveling on the west coast sightseeing and attending Boyer Familly Reunion in California - it was so great seeing everyone again. I actually finally felt settling down a bit...
September - Back to work --I resumed teaching ASL at WOU.
October - MAUI, HAWAII! I went to Shelby & Mike's wedding and it was just BEAUTIFUL! I felt like we were in heaven when we headed there. Steve and I spend 4 nights and 5 days in Maui. We wish we stayed longer but it was best time of our lives. Oh, I also got another part-time job as an ASL instructor for the Community (parents, children, etc) at OSD.
NOT ONLY THAT, Steve also PROPOSED to me in Maui. It has been a happiest time of my life. If you want to know more details - you can read about how it happened (you have to sign in facebook, though).
November (this month) - It just continues to get better -- I attended Courtney & Rush's wedding in Santa Cruz, CA. Again, it was gorgeous and simple. AND I got a job offer as an Administrative staff at HOVRS!!!!!!!

Oh, I also posted like over hundreds of photos on facebook. Feel free to look in there. If you don't have an account, I will probably post a few on here... anyway, I'll blog again real soon!
