Tuesday, January 16, 2007

NYE 2007 photos!!

I went to a friend's houseparty in bay area @ Calif. for the New Years Eve. It was really wonderful seeing everyone again! (You can click on the pictures to become bigger)

Me & my honey

Me & my dear close friend, Emilie

Other one, too bad I blinked. It would've been a good shot!

My longtime sweet friends, Rush & Courtney

Rejoicing the moment of 2007! (Looks like Ian wasn't happy that 2006 ended? Hehee)

Oops, I wasn't ready...

Voila! Sam & me (I've known him since I was like 5 years old... it was great seeing him again!!)

Sam & his sweetie, Di

Steve & Hristo all smilin'

Courtney, me, Sam, & Barbie (We knew each other back in early 1980's...quite a longggg time!)

Our FINAL photo of 2006.... 2007, here we come!


Shelby Leigh said...

Looks like you had a great time!

Michelle said...

Cute pictures. It must be so nice to see old faces :) Keep blogging! xoies