Tuesday, January 16, 2007

NYE 2007 photos!!

I went to a friend's houseparty in bay area @ Calif. for the New Years Eve. It was really wonderful seeing everyone again! (You can click on the pictures to become bigger)

Me & my honey

Me & my dear close friend, Emilie

Other one, too bad I blinked. It would've been a good shot!

My longtime sweet friends, Rush & Courtney

Rejoicing the moment of 2007! (Looks like Ian wasn't happy that 2006 ended? Hehee)

Oops, I wasn't ready...

Voila! Sam & me (I've known him since I was like 5 years old... it was great seeing him again!!)

Sam & his sweetie, Di

Steve & Hristo all smilin'

Courtney, me, Sam, & Barbie (We knew each other back in early 1980's...quite a longggg time!)

Our FINAL photo of 2006.... 2007, here we come!

Picture time!

I know it's been FOREVER since I last posted on here but I felt like sharing few personal photos of mine with you over the holidays. Steve and I went to California for a week during Christmas and we had a great time!

Our most family x-mas recent photo - it was so great seeing them again. I miss them already.

(You can click on it to become bigger)

I took Steve to the Exploratorium and I knew he'd enjoy it because he's into science, technology, hands-on and stuff like that... and after that, we walked down to beach, which had a gorgeous view of golden gate bridge as you can see on here.

Viewing at one of the exquisite fishes

Steve sitting on the chair that double the size of original one on the right

Now, my turn! We just found it hilarious.. ;)

I love this one of him... (behind GG bridge)
