Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My first posting... and other blogs

Okay, since Michie has her own blog on here so thought I'd create one for myself... yes, other one! LOL.

Let's see.. I have quite several blogs -- - my recent blog. I don't blog often now that I have so many crazy things going on in my life. - my old blog. You need to log in as a friend to be able to view my entries, though. They date back to July 2004 (two years to now... wow!). - well, it's not really a blog but rather like ringo, friendster,, etc... it's a great way to keep in touch with friends who live a far distance away from you.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

WELCOME! Now it is my turn to say this ha ha. I am happy u decided to become a member of blogspot.

Luv ya girl! xoies